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Just about every family I know with school aged kids has had to make some sort of unexpected changes this year when it comes to school. One of those changes is the influx of kids that were once in public school, who now find themselves at home adjusting to a new normal. Whether or not this is just a temporary situation or you have always planned to homeschool, one of the questions I get asked the most is “How do I create a homeschool space in our home?”
For our family that is a bit of a loaded question, so let me explain….
We are well into our 9th year of homeschooling, so in that way nothing much has changed for us. I have to say though that it is absolutely crazy how fast those 9 years have gone. So much has changed. We have had moves to different cities, different states, and different houses.
Each time we moved, our homeschool set up and arrangement would change. In the past we have done school in the kitchen, the living room, the basement, and even in their bedrooms. It always depended on the space we had available and what our needs were for that specific season in our life.
We decided to spruce some things up recently and I could not be more happy with the way things turned out! Here is a peak at our new room…..

One of the things that had been on my list of wants was desks for the kids. I wanted an individual space for them to keep their books and papers separate and organized. I had been eyeing these desks at IKEA for a really long time and decided it was finally time to make the leap.
We bought one set of drawers for each kid and custom built the top so that it matched the rest of the woodwork in our house.
For an added touch we decided to add shiplap behind the desk. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out! It is one of my favorite parts of the room for sure!

This is where I keep the majority of my books. The top of the shelf is where my kids like to keep any rocks, pine cones, sea shells, or any other treasure they may find. These cubes have held up really well over the years and have come in handy in many different ways.

You can find them here at Target or you can also find something similar here on Amazon.
If I had to name one of the absolute must-haves in my school room it would have to be these two rolling carts! I would be lost without them! I have one cart that is dedicated to my teacher supplies, and one cart that is more for art supplies and things for the kids. They easily roll around the room and hold a ton of stuff!

You can find them at Target and most craft stores. You can also find them here on amazon.
Last but not least is a letter board that I keep on our bookshelf. I plan to update it with any sort of quote or verse that is resonating with us at the moment. I thought it was best to start with one of my absolute favorites. In fact, I would have to say that these three words most accurately describe my reasoning behind homeschooling.

I want my kids to remember that this is their temporary home and to have hearts that focus more on heaven and less on the material things of this world that will not last.
My goal in being not only their mom but also their teacher is to raise kind, caring, empathetic, hardworking kids.
Do I want them to be successful in life? Yes, of course!
But more importantly I want them to be happy adults who are good spouses, good mothers and fathers, good employees and good neighbors. I want them to spread love and kindness wherever they go.
If that means they never make it to Harvard, I am completely ok with that. I also want them to be ok with that!
Those kind of accolades never last, and you don’t get to take them with you when you go.
“Heaven not Harvard” is a path to follow.
We all need a mission in life.
A purpose.
This is OURS!
This is so lovely! Thank you for the inspiration!
You are very welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Where did you get the selves that are above the reading nook cubes? And the basket? Mahalo!
I got the two shelves that the books are displayed in from IKEA. They came in a plain wood color and I stained them Walnut. I got the basket from Hobby Lobby. Feel free to let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks for stopping by!
I love this!!! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
This is awesome!
Thanks so much for stopping by.