How To Organize Your Bathroom

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If I had to name one room that drives me the most nuts when it is unorganized, it would have to be the bathroom. Bathrooms are small, tend to hold a lot of stuff, and if you are not careful can become quite disgusting in a very small amount of time!

Here are some great reasons to keep your bathroom clean and organized…

#1 You will save time every morning getting ready because you will always know where to find everything, and will not have to frantically shuffle through a mess to find what you need.

#2 You will save money because you will always have a perfect glance at your inventory!  How often do you buy multiples of something, only to realize that said item was just stuffed in the back of a cabinet or drawer all along?  It is so maddening when that happens, and being organized can prevent that.

#3 An organized bathroom is so much easier to keep clean, and who doesn’t love a clean bathroom?  When your counters and drawers are not cluttered with stuff, they take very little time and effort to wipe and keep clean, and really, who wants to go to a dirty bathroom to get clean?  Doesn’t that sort of defeat the purpose?

Well I hope I have convinced you why you should clean and organize your bathroom, now comes the fun part of actually doing it!

Here is my personal step by step process and some of the products I used to assist me.

Step #1   Take It All Out And Purge

This step is crucial and so so important.  Take everything out of your cabinets and drawers and throw away anything you don’t need/ don’t use/ or has expired.  You might be amazed at what you find lurking in those dark corners!  Yikes!

Step #2   Sort Everything

Now that you have gotten rid of everything you don’t need, you can now sort everything that you will be keeping.  Start by putting everything into groups.  Examples would be hair care, skin care, tooth-care, and makeup.  You can add more or less to this group depending on your needs and what you keep in your bathroom.

Step #3  Assess Your Space And Your Needs

When you are finished with step #2, next you need to step back, and assess not only how much space you have, but how you plan to utilize that space.  It works best to make a rough draft either in your mind, or on paper about where and how you plan to put everything back.  Ask yourself, what is the best spot for your towels, for your hair care, for your tooth care, and so on.

Step #4  Go Shopping

This step may or may not be required depending on what you already have.  Once you have determined what will go where, you can decide whether or not you need any extra bins and baskets to get the job done.

I bought these at Target, they work really well for customizing your drawers and the little things that go in them. You can buy them in multiple sizes, and they lock together so they stay put in your drawer.


As an added bonus, I also added this contact paper to the bottom of my drawers.  It is super easy to install, helps to protect the drawer, and in my opinion is just cute!  Who doesn’t love cute?

Step #5  Clean Clean Clean

This step may not be the most fun, but is absolutely essential if you want that finished look.  Clean everything.  Clean the counters, toilets, showers, tubs, mirrors, and don’t forget to wipe out the insides and outsides of all the cabinets and drawers.

Step #6  Put It All Away

This is my favorite step!  After you have done all the dirty work you now get the fun part of putting it all away.  This is where you get to see all of your hard work truly pay off!  It is also when you get to take everything, and neatly put it in your bins and baskets to make it all look pretty.  I also put a label on some of the bigger bins and baskets.  Labels are a game changer for me!  They prevent things from ending up in the wrong place, and they also help you, and other members of your family to find something in a pinch!

Here is how I have chosen to arrange my drawers and cabinets…

This drawer holds all my make-up and my deodorant.

This drawer I use to hold all my hair care and nail care. This is the stuff I use on a daily basis, everything else I use only occasionally and I put those items in a different bin that is easily accessible if need be.

This drawer holds everything tooth related.

I use these bins for things that I occasionally use but do not need to access every day. I have divided them by category, and labeled them appropriately.

I have one drawer dedicated to my blow dryer, straightener, and curling iron.

The remaining shelves are dedicated to towels and extra toilet paper.

Oh and I almost forgot this handy dandy thing I bought at Target for all my jewelry. I love it! It gives me a good visual display of everything I have, keeps it all from getting tangled, and is super cute!

That is pretty much it. Step back, take a deep breathe, and enjoy! You now have a clean and organized bathroom. A bathroom you want to be in, a bathroom you can truly enjoy!

4 thoughts on “How To Organize Your Bathroom

  1. Charlene Rose says:

    Great tips, thanks for all the awesome ideas!!!

    1. brandyjohnson says:

      Thanks Charlene, So glad you found them helpful!


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