How To Organize Your Kids’ Closet

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As I was considering where to start this organizing journey with you, I thought  “what better place to start than how to organize a kids closet.”  Specifically my kids’ closet.  I know this is an area a lot of people struggle with! It used to be one of my bigger struggles when it comes to organizing, but I am proud to say that struggle is now behind me and I wanted to share some tips and tricks I have learned that have helped get where I am today!

So here we go….

This is what my daughters closet looks like today.

organize kids closet

Next I would like to go through each section of her closet and explain how everything operates….

We will start with the clothing.  Let me begin by saying my kids do not have a ton of clothing. Kids clothing is expensive, and kids grow fast, so they are constantly going in and out of sizes.  Therefore I like to keep what I buy to a minimum. I also only keep what is in good condition, and what they love and will truly wear. As a perk, when you have less clothing to shuffle through, that makes choosing what to wear that much easier!

kids clothes organized in closet

The second thing I do, and one of my more favorite parts of my kids’ closet, is every Sunday before the start of a new week I lay out a weeks worth of outfits for my kids to wear.  It takes me less than 5 minutes and saves me tons of time in the end.  I do this for a few reasons and here they are….

#1.  It helps tremendously to keep our mornings running smoothly.  Mornings can already be crazy enough and this is just one less decision that has to be made in the mornings.  It’s so easy.  They just grab an outfit and they’re done!

#2.  Even though I am picking the outfit.  They still get to pick which one off the shelf they will wear for the day!  This really helps to prevent those early morning battles on clothing and choosing what’s appropriate, but also makes my kids feel like they “got to choose” or “had a say” in the matter!

#3. Before we had this system, there were ALWAYS hangers laying all over my kids’ room, and it drove me CRAZY!  This system almost completely eliminates that problem because all of the outfits are already off their hangers and laid out for them!  I love that!

more kids clothes organized in the closet

Next we will move to the top shelf.  Here I have two see through bins.

The first one contains clothes that are out of season.  Every summer or winter I take this bin down and rotate the next seasons clothes in or out. If something is too worn or no longer fits I take it out and get rid of it.

The second one is for the clothes that no longer fit, have stains, or are too worn.  When this bin is full I either take it to a second hand store, take it to Goodwill, or give it to a friend in need.  The main goal is to get it out, before it piles up and becomes clutter!

organizing containers

The next thing on the list is the toys!  Most of my kids toys are not in their closet (more on that in a coming post) however there are a few things I like to keep in their closet.  For my daughter that would be all her girly things!

I hung a few hooks on the wall for her backpacks and purses and limit her to only what she can fit on those hooks!

Below that are six crates that I bought at Target. I labeled all of them, and 2 of them contain all of her dress up stuff.  The other four contain all of her little stuffed animals. (My daughter has a serious LOVE for stuffed animals!)

My rule is she can only take out one crate at a time.

organized totes on shelf in closet

Just below that I have 4 pullout drawers! I did not label them for a reason, and that is because these 4 drawers contain a hodge podge of just about anything!

These are the drawers I allow my daughter to keep all of her little trinkets, all of her “special” things, things that normally an organized mom like myself would want to throw away! Things that truly cannot be organized, put into a category, or filed on a shelf!

Our rule is that as long as it is in her drawer and as long as there is room in the drawer, than it is off limits to me!

I am ok with that, and she seems to like the freedom to put whatever she wants in those drawers and keep them as messy or as neat as she sees fit!

organizing bins

And there you have it!

I hope I have inspired you, or at least given you some good ideas for how ou can organize a kids closet!

Please share this with your friends and also feel free to drop me a comment about any ways that you have had organizing success in your own kids’ closet!

Please, go check out my other articles about organizing.

4 thoughts on “How To Organize Your Kids’ Closet

  1. Lauri says:

    I love this! I especially like the way you give her freedom within boundaries and you eliminate the struggle of what to wear. I should put my own clothes into outfits for the week!

  2. hannah says:

    omg I love these ideas! Especially the independence you give with this system….while keeping your sanity! I’m going to try this out!


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